Make the morning routine fun by creating a chart for the kids. List out all the activities that need to be done, for e.g. brush teeth, get dressed, pack your school bag, and mark them as completed with fun stickers to keep them engaged and hopefully out to school quick!
Alleviate some stress and last minute panic by planning out the kids lunches for the week. Prevent running out of essentials like yoghurts, butter and bread by stocking up in advance. This can also extend to dinner and breakfast while everyone is getting used to routine again.
Before they start back at school, it's a good idea to get them used to school hours again. Getting up in the morning and going to bed at the same time they would for school will help them ease back into more structure.
If possible, create a space where your kids do their homework each day after school. Make sure it's a space with little distractions but also a nice space they might actually enjoy. Give them fun stationary to use, stick some of their art on the wall and any other small additions that might make it somewhere they like spending time in.
Childrens vitamins can help the little one stay healthy and full of energy while they are getting back into a routine. At Phelans Pharmacy we have a great range of vitamins for all ages, in gummies, liquid or tablets and in lots of yummy flavours.