Proceive Conception Dual Pack 120 Capsules

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The dual pack contains a month’s supply of Proceive Women and a month’s supply of Proceive Men in one convenient pack. It is available to help aid couples’ compliance and ease of everyday use.

- Proceive Women contains 28 vitamins, minerals and amino acids tailored for women who are preparing for conception and trying for a baby. Including 400μg Folic Acid, Zinc and Vitamin D. Recommended for all women to support egg and reproductive health when trying for a baby.
- Proceive Men contains 26 vitamins, minerals and amino acids tailored for women who are preparing for conception and trying for a baby. Including Zinc, Selenium and Co-Q10. Recommended for all men to support sperm health when trying for a baby.

A healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet is important when trying for a baby. It can be difficult to get all the nutrients you need from your diet in today’s busy world. This is where Proceive can help by providing extra support needed to build your nutritional stores and support good pre-conception health.

• Comprehensive formula of Vitamins, Minerals & Amino Acids for couples trying to conceive
• Convenient dual pack
• Recommended for men and women trying to conceive
• Irish brand

Women: Take two capsules once per day / Men: Take two capsules once per day.
Best taken on a full stomach in the morning. It is recommended that Proceive is taken for up for 3 months before trying to conceive.

Additional Information: Irish brand, suitable for vegetarians, gluten free

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