Geratherm Urine Infection Test 3 Pack

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The Geratherm Urine Infection Control Test is a test strip that consists of 4 test fields that display a colour change if leukocytes, protein, nitrite, or blood are present in the urine. These test fields are used for the early detection of urinary tract infections or cystitis. 

This is a rapid test for home use and comes with an east-to-read colour chart that indicates whether leukocytes, protein, nitrite, or blood in the urine are present or not. It can be used at any time of the day, but an early-morning urine sample is recommended. Results are available to read after approximately 2 minutes.


The Geratherm Urine Infection Control Test Strips are used for the early detection of urinary tract infections or cystitis. The strips detect the presence of leukocytes, protein, nitrile or blood in the urine.


  • Before use, please read the instruction manual that accompanies the Geratherm Urine Infection Control Test Strips. It is best to use the first urine of the morning and to take the sample midstream.
  • Do not remove the test strip from the aluminium pouch until just before use and grasp it as far away from the reaction fields as possible. Do not hold the test strip in the urine stream until it has been flowing for 1-2 seconds. Ensure that all the reaction fields are thoroughly immersed in the urine.
  • You can also collect the urine in a clean, dry container. In this case, dip the reaction fields completely in the urine and remove the test strip again immediately in order to prevent the reagents dissolving. When removing the strip from the container, carefully wipe it on the edge of the container to remove excess urine.
  • Hold the test strip horizontal and lay it on a piece of absorbent tissue in order to prevent the chemical substances on the reaction fields and/or dirty hands coming into contact with the urine. Carefully compare the reaction fields with the corresponding colour bars on the colour chart. To do this, hold the test strip next to the colour bars.
  • Dispose of the Geratherm Urine Infection Control Test Strip once used.

Always read product information leaflet before use.

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